NetCDF to GeoTIFF using Python

NetCDF to GeoTIFF using Python

Pratiman, 01 August 2020

2 min read.

A simple and elegant method to convert NetCDF to GeoTIFF using python.

Python Script

import xarray as xr
import rioxarray as rio

#Open the NetCDF
#Download the sample from
ncfile = xr.open_dataset('')

#Extract the variable
pr = ncfile['pr']

#(Optional) convert longitude from (0-360) to (-180 to 180) (if required)
pr.coords['lon'] = (pr.coords['lon'] + 180) % 360 - 180
pr = pr.sortby(pr.lon)

#Define lat/long 
pr ='lon', 'lat')

#Check for the CRS

#(Optional) If your CRS is not discovered, you should be able to add it like so:"epsg:4326")

#Saving the file"GeoTIFF.tif")


  1. Basic import stuff for Python
    import xarray as xr
    import rioxarray as rio
  2. Loading the dataset
    ncfile = xr.open_dataset('')
  3. Extracting the varibale of your choice. Here it is precipitation (pr).
    pr = ncfile['pr']
  4. (Optional) In this example the longitude is from 0-360. GIS software do not treat well this kind of system. Therefore, we onvert it in -180 to 180. This might be optional for your dataset.
    pr.coords['lon'] = (pr.coords['lon'] + 180) % 360 - 180
    pr = pr.sortby(pr.lon)
  5. It’s a good idea to provide the x and y axis for the GeoTIFF. NetCDF sometimes have non-conventional naming schemes.
    pr ='lon', 'lat')
  6. Check for projection system
  7. (Optional) If there is no output of step 6. Then define the projection system."epsg:4326")
  8. Saving the GeoTIFF file."GeoTIFF.tif")

Hope you like it!

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